Welcome to Residence Life at UHV (University of Houston Victoria)
On behalf of the Department of Residence Life (DRL), we would like to welcome you to campus housing at the University of Houston-Victoria (UHV). The Residence Life staff hopes that you will consider UHV your “home away from home.” The DRL staff is committed to your development by striving to provide excellent customer service and providing each resident with the tools necessary to be successful in an ever-changing and diverse society. We challenge each resident to play an active role in their community through participation in campus, community, and housing activities.
National research shows that students who live on campus perform better academically and graduate earlier than their off-campus counterparts, so it is up to each student to take full advantage of this amazing opportunity. Living on campus will provide you with many new freedoms and personal choices, an experience in which you will meet students from across the country and around the globe, develop life-long friendships, and establish a connection to our diverse campus life.
Living in campus housing, you will find that we are “more than just a place to live!” We provide facilities, programs, and services that will assist you in achieving your academic goals. Programs are sponsored by our Resident Assistants, the Residence Hall Association (RHA), Student Involvement and student organizations/leaders. Get involved in your community, participate in the various campus activities/programs, and become involved in RHA to make a difference in your living community! This handbook is filled with valuable information regarding campus housing.
Our Mission Statement
The Department of Residence Life is committed to providing a living and learning environment supporting the University’s academic mission. We accomplish this by stimulating the learning process, integrating the in-class and out-of-class experiences through activities and knowledge essential to students' preparation for a life of leadership and success as professionals and citizens in the global economy.

The Housing Agreement
The most important parts of the contract for the university residence halls are the Housing Agreement and the Residence Life Rules and Regulations. The Housing Agreement applies to the entire academic year while the Residence Life Rules and Regulations are continuously in effect.
The purpose of the Housing Agreement is to ensure maximum usage of available housing facilities. Every effort is made to provide the best possible facilities at a reasonable cost. Once the semester begins, very few students look for on campus housing. Therefore, it is difficult to replace residents who leave the university, and for this reason, the university must insist on complete compliance with the terms of the Housing Agreement. During official university vacation periods, residence halls are closed to residents. Students staying for intersession may be reassigned to temporary housing during this time.
Each resident must sign a Housing Agreement when completing their Housing application. A resident should read and understand the conditions of the Housing Agreement carefully before signing. The Housing Agreement is a binding contract for both the fall and spring semesters. The agreement specifies provisions for cancellation, termination, payment, applicable policies and procedures, and the contract period. Since the Housing Agreement is in effect for the academic year (fall & spring semesters), approval must be obtained to cancel or terminate the contract. A penalty charge of $400 is assessed when terminating early.
Required Residence Policy

The university requires all students with less than 60 completed semester credit hours or under 21 years of age to reside in the university residence halls. Students under the required residence policy, however, will be automatically exempted if they live with a parent or legal guardian within a 50-mile radius of Victoria which will be verified by the Department of Residence Life. All other students wishing to reside off campus who live outside the 50-mile radius must complete a Housing Exemption Request Form which is available at the Department of Residence Life or online at: www.uhv.edu/housing.
Requests for housing exemptions should be submitted before July 15 for the fall semester and before December 1 for the spring semester. The department reviews the requests and notifies the students of their exemption status. Housing exemption approval is rare and only considered in extreme circumstances. Students should wait for written notification prior to making off campus arrangements. Registered students required to live on campus who do not receive approval for exemptions will be billed for on campus housing.
Community Living Expectations
Residential Community Philosophy
Residence Life is committed to providing a high-quality residence hall experience where you will have many opportunities to become involved in numerous activities and organizations, meet and become friends with people from diverse backgrounds, and enrich your academic pursuits at the UHV. One of the most rewarding facets of living in residence halls is the ability to live with people who are different from you. Every person comes from a diverse background and brings a separate set of experiences and expectations for living here in housing.
Residence Life rights and responsibilities, policies and the Student Code of Conduct are intended to give you, your roommate(s) and your neighbors a common set of guidelines by which you can all live and learn together in order to achieve academic success, develop lasting friendships, and continue to build your skills so you are well prepared for your career after graduation. The Residence Life program is an integral part of the educational initiatives of the institution.
The Department of Residence Life, within the division of Student Affairs, supports the academic mission of UHV by creating on-campus living communities that foster personal growth and development, academic success, social responsibility, cultural understanding, and leadership in residential students. University housing is available to all UHV students regardless of age, disability, ethnicity, gender, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression, or veteran status. The Residence Life program provides educational, cultural, social, and recreational programs in partnership with other departments and organizations.
Living with others near you is not always easy. To live cooperatively, it is critical that residents and staff members develop a mutual respect and are committed to specific expectations of behavior. University policies and the conduct process are based on respect for yourself, your fellow residents, and the living community. It is also based on taking responsibility for one’s behaviors and actions. To carry on its work of teaching, research, and public service, UHV faculty, staff, administrators, and students must maintain conditions under which the university can proceed freely. Therefore, it is the responsibility of everyone to know and abide by university and housing policies and procedures, ensuring we are all in accordance with the highest expectations of quality, institutional integrity, and freedom of expression. Each member of our community shares the responsibility of maintaining a safe environment conducive to the achievement of the university’s mission.
Resident Rights and Responsibilities
As a member living in our community, you are afforded certain individual rights that you and your roommate(s), as well as those living around you, should respect. In addition, these rights carry with them a reciprocal responsibility for you and every member in our community. Responsibilities ensure that roommate(s), suite/apartment mates, floor mates, and other community members are afforded the same rights regardless of their gender, race, creed, religion, sexual orientation, cultural background, or other identity group(s) to which they belong; as well as any beliefs, values or attitudes that may be different from our own. When we as a community uphold our responsibilities, we make the university and residential community a wonderful place to live where all students can be successful!
Success at UHV depends on your ability to understand and balance the rights and responsibilities you assume while attending college. Staff and faculty members do not assume the role of campus parent, and you will seldom be told what to do or what not to do regarding your personal behavior. The obvious exception, as with society at large, is when individual behavior threatens the health and safety of yourself, others, or the community, or begins to disrupt the legitimate pursuits of others within our residential communities.
Residence Life staff members do not, nor cannot, guarantee you will always retain each of these rights. You share the responsibility. You can help ensure that these rights will be honored through thoughtful discussion and open communication with roommates, suite/apartment mates, floor mates, and other community members. Our staff is committed to offering you an environment where we will support you in taking healthy risks and while you have the choice to passively exist, we will challenge you to take full advantage of your living environment by participating in activities, standing up for yourself and others, and speaking up for what you believe has value.
The following is a listing of your “rights” (things to which you are entitled as a student living in one of our housing communities), as well as your “responsibilities” (what is expected of you as a member of a residential community):
YOU HAVE THE RIGHT to a safe and secure living environment.
YOU HAVE THE RESPONSIBILITY to keep your living space secured, and to not prop doors open or allow in strangers. You also have a responsibility to uphold all security policies and procedures. Violations of policies and procedures put you and others at risk.
YOU HAVE THE RIGHT to a peaceful and quiet space in which you can sleep and study.
YOU HAVE THE RESPONSIBILITY to observe quiet hours, to keep your stereo, television, computer, and your voice at a reasonable volume in your living environment, and to remind your guests and others that you expect the same of them.
YOU HAVE THE RIGHT to privacy and to the fair use of your room, both in terms of space and time, and the right to be free of unwanted guests in your room.
YOU HAVE THE RESPONSIBILITY to let your roommate know of your wishes and preference for hours of sleep, study, and visitation, and to work through any difference you may have in a peaceful manner. You also have a responsibility to make sure your guests do not violate your roommate’s rights or interfere with his/her use of your living space.
YOU HAVE THE RIGHT to peacefully confront another person’s behavior when it infringes on your rights.
YOU HAVE THE RESPONSIBILITY to examine your own behavior when confronted by another and to work toward resolving conflicts.
YOU HAVE THE RIGHT to request the assistance of any Residence Life staff member, including Resident Assistants, when you need help with a problem.
YOU HAVE THE RESPONSIBILITY to notify a staff member of your problem in a timely manner and to cooperate with those involved as they work with you to solve your problem.
YOU HAVE THE RIGHT to understand what acceptable and/or inappropriate behavior is within your living environment.
YOU HAVE THE RESPONSIBILITY to read the information provided to you by UHV. This includes the UHV Residencial Handbook, your Residence Halls Service Agreement, the UHV Student Code of Conduct, and the UHV Student Handbook. You have the right to report any alleged violation, whether you were personally affected by it.
Student Code of Conduct
UHV expects its students to exhibit and maintain a high standard of conduct given the educational nature of our institution. While the Student Handbook contains information regarding policies and procedures at UHV, the Student Code of Conduct specifically covers information related to inappropriate behaviors and what happens when students allegedly violate university policies, procedures, or the code of conduct. For more information visit the Student Handbook website and UHV Student Code of Conduct website.

Jaguar Village provides residents with access to most of the amenities listed below for twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven days a week. Each building provides an assortment of amenities for our residential students.
11:59 Lounge
The 11:59 Lounge is located in Jaguar Hall and is available to residents 24 hours a day. The 11:59 Lounge contains three 42-inch HDTVs, two arcade games, a vending machine, two microwaves, and plenty of space to relax or socialize with others. This is a shared space so please be mindful of others and clean up after yourself.
Computer Labs
Multiple computer labs are in each residence hall, and they are available to residents 24 hours a day. The computer labs provide individual computer stations, all equipped with a T-1 Ethernet connection and printing capabilities. Please be mindful of the amount of ink and paper you use. UHV IT (Information Technology) maintains the computer labs so please notify the Help Desk at HelpDesk@uhv.edu or 361-570-4399 of any problems. Computers are reserved for residents and are limited. Computers and printers are on a first come, first served basis.

Fitness Center
The Fitness Center, on the second floor of Jaguar Suites, is only accessible to UHV student residents and available 24 hours a day. Misuse of the fitness center equipment and space is prohibited, and residents will be held responsible for any damages. All UHV students also have a gym membership to the local YMCA. Please visit the Student Services website for more details.
Each residence hall is a wireless accessible building. Each room has an active high-speed Internet connection in it. These connections are managed through our Local Area Network (LAN) and are part of your communications package. Connect a Category 6 Ethernet cable from the jack to the Ethernet card on your computer. Make sure that your TCP/IP settings are set to “auto-detect settings.” If you have any questions about this service or require assistance in setting it up, please contact the UHV Help Desk at HelpDesk@uhv.edu or 361-570-4399.

Jaguar Hall Commons
The Jaguar Hall Commons is home to a variety of programs and events hosted by Residence Life, various UHV departments, student organizations and more. Residents are welcome to join any activities taking place in the commons area. It is also the home of various table games including foosball, ping pong, shuffleboard, and pool table(s). Students can check out equipment for table games at the Jaguar Hall front desk during desk hours. Students must provide a student ID when checking out items.
Jaguar Hall & Jaguar Suites Pools
Both Jaguar Hall and Jaguar Suites have outdoor pools available for residents. Pool hours are Monday-Thursday from 8 a.m.-10 p.m. and Friday-Sunday 8 a.m.-Midnight. No lifeguards are on duty so residents must swim at their own risk.
JP’s Market
JP’s Market, located in Jaguar Hall, is a free food pantry on campus open to all currently enrolled UHV students. The market gives students access to food and hygiene products at least once a week, with no limit on how many times they can return. The market offers a variety of foods to ensure students can focus on academics, and not on where they are getting their next meal. JP’s Market is supported by a partnership with The Food Bank of the Golden Crescent and donations from UHV students, staff, faculty, and community members.
Laundry Facilities
For your convenience, laundry facilities are provided at each residence hall. Payment for the laundry machines is through the CSC Go mobile application and accepts any Visa, MasterCard, Discover Card or American Express. Misuse of the laundry facilities is prohibited, and residents will be held responsible for any damages.

All mail and packages are delivered to the Jaguar Hall front desk. Mail is then distributed to each residence hall and stored in a locked mailroom. Residents can pick up mail and packages from the front desk of the building they reside in. Residents must provide their student ID when picking up mail/packages. Listed below are the addresses to use when receiving mail/packages at the residence halls. Regarding mail with USPS, we highly encourage residents to only temporarily change their address to the residential hall they will be residing in. We have also included an example of how to correctly address your mail.
Jaguar Village Addresses
Jaguar Hall - 2705 Houston Hwy, Victoria, TX, 77901
Jaguar Suites - 2703 Houston Hwy, Victoria, TX 77901
Smith Hall - 3202 Ben Wilson St, Victoria, TX 77901
Resident Address Example
Julie Jones
2703 Houston Hwy, Victoria, TX 77901
Jaguar Suites, Room 108C
Victoria, TX 77901
Residence Hall Association (RHA)
RHA is an elected governing body for the residential hall students at UHV. The main mission of RHA is to promote communication between Residence Life and our UHV residents. All residents are welcome to join the RHA and attend our monthly general body meetings. Meetings are hosted to hear your concerns, be your voice, and drive positive change within our residence halls. RHA even has officer/leadership opportunities available to interested students.
If you have any questions regarding RHA, please contact us at (361) 485-4404 or housing@uhv.edu.
Smith Hall Lounges and Kitchens
Smith Hall lounges and kitchens are available to residents 24 hours a day. The lounges, located on the first floor, contain large TV’s, vending machines, a microwave, and plenty of seating areas to relax and/or socialize with others. There is a full kitchen on each floor which contains a microwave, a refrigerator, an oven with a stove top and a sink. These are shared spaces so please be mindful of others and clean up after yourself.
Departmental Policies and Procedures
Policies and procedures are necessary for the smooth functioning of any community. Here at Jaguar Village, we believe that you have the right to an environment in which you can study, socialize, and live comfortably. There are three basic principles involved in achieving this:
- Demonstrate care for yourself
- Demonstrate care and consideration for others
- Respect others and community property
Take time to familiarize yourself with the following policies and procedures as both you and your guests are responsible for following them.
**Any violations of the following policies and procedures may result in disciplinary action. **
Access/Unauthorized Entry
Residents found climbing over a fence, gate, or door, for any reason, will violate their housing agreement. Any person who is not a resident found climbing the fence or walking unescorted through the community is criminally trespassing.
If you see any suspicious persons around the property or see anyone climbing over the fence, door, or gate, please contact UHV Security at 361-570-HELP, the Jaguar Hall front desk at 361-485-4404, the RA (Resident Assistants) on-call phone for your building or dial 911.
Do not block or prop open doors, causing them not to lock properly. Report blocked and/or unlocked entrances, or individuals tampering with the doors, to an RA, a professional staff member or Campus Police. Disciplinary action will be taken against those who violate this policy. Violation of this policy puts yourself and other residents at risk of potential danger by giving non-residents access to community buildings.
It is prohibited to enter any Jaguar Village room that has not been assigned to you without the explicit permission of the resident assigned to that room/suite. Guests, contractors, vendors, etc. are prohibited from entering Jaguar Village rooms without checking in at our front desk and going through the proper procedures.
Alcoholic beverages are not permitted anywhere at the residence halls or on UHV campus. Alcohol consumption in public areas, hallways or any part of the grounds is prohibited and enforced by Residence Life staff, UHV Campus Police, and Texas State laws. If found, prohibited items will be subject to confiscation.
Bicycles are not allowed in the living space, nor may they be operated within the residence halls. All bicycles should be parked and locked in one of the bicycle racks provided or in one of the Bicycle Rooms located in Jaguar Suites, Room 106 and Smith Hall, Room 1235. Any bicycle found in an unauthorized location within the residence hall, or any bicycle found attached to any railing, pillar, light pole, tree, fence, might be subject to impoundment and the resident will be responsible for any impoundment charges. Residence Life does not take responsibility for bicycles stolen or damaged.
*Residents are encouraged to register their bicycle through the Bike Registration Form found on the Residence Life JagSync page. This form helps to identify your bike in cases of potential damage or theft.
Check-In/Check-Out Procedures
Students must check into their residence hall by presenting a government issues photo ID or their Paw Pass to the Residence Life staff at the front desk. Upon checking in, students will receive their room key and complete the Check-In Inspection Form.
During check-out, residents must turn in their key and have a RA check their room to complete the Check-Out Inspection Form. Residents are responsible for returning their room to the original condition for check-out (floors and bathroom(s) are cleaned, furniture back in place and dusted, all trash removed, etc.). Residents will be responsible for damages and/or cleaning fees, if applicable.
Residents who vacate the halls are responsible for removing any property, which they own or used during their occupancy, from the building and premises. Failure to remove excess property will result in improper check-out charges, plus charges for removal by the university, and potentially storage charges at the discretion of Residence Life. In addition to regular cleaning charges, which are assessed for a dirty room at check-out, removal charges will be assessed for property such as tables, chairs, sofas, refrigerators, street signs, bricks, lumber and similar items that by their nature cannot be disposed of through the normal university trash disposal system or require extra effort to remove.
Damages and Vandalism
Residents are held judicially accountable and financially liable for vandalism or damages they cause to Jaguar Village property (including, but not limited to, damages caused by electrical appliances or other personal equipment and belongings, and those caused by adhesives, nails, tacks, etc.) Residents are not permitted to tamper with, repair, replace, paint, or adjust equipment, furniture, or property, which belong to UHV.
All residents of a living space are held mutually liable for damage to the room once occupancy is established. An individual resident of a living space is solely liable for damages to the unit when individual responsibility for damages can be clearly established. Residents are responsible for vandalism or damage done by their guests.
UHV and Residence Life prohibits the use, or possession, or sale of drugs or narcotics not prescribed by a physician. Drugs and narcotics are defined as barbiturates, hallucinogens, amphetamines, marijuana, or other narcotics, except as authorized by law. Any student involved in the sale, use, or possession of non-prescription drugs will be subject to disciplinary action, in addition to possible immediate removal from the Jaguar Village community. If found, prohibited items will be subject to confiscation.
Firearms and Weapons
The possession and/or use of a firearm or dangerous weapon, or look alike, are not permitted at Jaguar Village. Such weapons include bows and arrows, slingshots, darts, knives, BB guns or pistols, flare guns, air pistols, stun guns, rifles, martial art implements and more. Possession and/or use of any explosive device, including firecrackers, cherry bombs, and bottle rockets, etc. are not permitted. Residents are obligated to report the possession and/or storage of firearms, weapons, or explosives to UHV Campus Security of Residence Life staff immediately.
Fire Equipment
Residents who tamper with fire equipment may be subject to prosecution and fines, per Texas State laws. Tampering with smoke detectors, fire alarms, fire hoses, sprinkler systems, and fire extinguishers is prohibited and will result in a response from the local fire department, which is in violation of state and local ordinances.
Room furniture is not to be removed, transferred, or interchanged among other rooms or public areas. Room furnishings provided may be arranged in any reasonable manner that does not endanger a resident(s) safety. Waterbeds are prohibited. Shared area furniture is not to be removed from its assigned location to any other location at any time.
Guest Policy
A guest is anyone who does not live in your room/suite. Guests are limited to two per resident and the number of total guests cannot outnumber the number of residents in a suite. Non-resident guests should always be accompanied by a resident. Day guests are allowed between 8 a.m.-10 p.m. (Sun.-Thurs.) and 8 a.m. to Midnight (Fri-Sat.). Overnight guest visitation cannot exceed 48 consecutive hours and is only allowed 3 times per semester. It is preferred that any overnight guest is reported to your RA (Resident Assistant).
Per the Housing Agreement, “only you can live on the premises. You may not permit another person to live on the premises or in the unit.” Residence Life staff reserves the right to adjust guest/visitation privileges at any time.
Inappropriate/Disruptive Behavior
Behavior or acts that are unreasonably disruptive to orderly community living are prohibited. These include, but are not limited to, the following.
- Obstructing or interfering with the orderly function of the housing community. Disturbing the peace and good order by, among other things; fighting, quarreling, excessive noise, or any behavior that causes or threatens to cause a material disruption to the residential, business, or academic functions of the University. This includes, but is not limited to, material disruption by the use of all types of social media outlets, cameras, electronic tablets, cell phones, and/or communication devices.
- Disorderly conduct that is disruptive or may cause personal or physical injury to themselves or others, including but not limited to: physical altercations, bouncing balls on the floor/hallways, profanity in the hallways, preventing others from studying or sleeping, water or shaving cream fights, playing indoor/outdoor sports inside the buildings (including skateboarding, rollerblading, riding bikes, scooters, throwing Frisbees, etc.).
- Inappropriate language (curse words, racial slurs, jokes about ethnicity, sexual orientation, religious background, etc.) in public areas (lobby, TV lounges, etc.)
- Inappropriate phone calls, text, or other communication requests of fellow residents and/or residential staff.
A room key is issued to the assigned resident of a living space. Residents should always have their room key and Paw Pass (Student ID/access card) in their possession. Residents may not issue their key and/or Paw Pass to anyone else. Lost or missing keys/access cards must be reported as soon as possible to Residence Life staff. Keys shall not be duplicated. Keys must be turned in to Residence Life staff upon termination of the Housing Agreement or when moving out. A replacement key costs $40 while a replacement Paw Pass/ID costs $10.
Locked Out (Room or Building)
If you are locked out of your residential building or room, please follow the directions listed below depending on your situation.
- If you lose your room key, you will need to complete a Key Replacement Form at the Jaguar Hall front desk. These can be completed during desk hours Mon.-Thurs. 8 a.m.-8 p.m., Fri. 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Replacement keys cost $40. If it is after JH desk hours, you will need to call your building on-call number for access to your room. You will need a Paw Pass for identification purposes. After two consecutive lock outs, a new key will be issued and a $40 key replacement charge will occur.
- If you lock your key in your room, you can visit your building front desk during desk hours to have an RA grant you access to your room. If it is after desk hours, you will need to call your building on-call number for access to your room. You will need a Paw Pass for identification purposes.
- If you are locked out of your building contact UHV Security at 361-570-HELP for access.
- If you lost your Paw Pass, you can get a replacement card by completing a Paw Pass Application online. A replacement Paw Pass costs $10.
Room Entry/Compliance with Staff
University officials, including Residence Life staff, Housekeeping, Facilities Staff, Pest Control etc. may enter rooms to fulfill their daily duties, in cases of emergencies, or in cases of reasonable suspicion of policy violation or activities endangering the individual or residential community. Residents will be notified at least 24 hours in advance unless there is an emergency. Unannounced fire safety checks, as mandated by the fire marshal, may take place at any time. Health and safety inspections are conducted by RAs and occur at least once per semester. During inspections, rooms are inspected for cleanliness, property damage, prohibited items, fire hazards, etc.
Residents and guests must cooperate and comply with reasonable requests of Residence Life and UHV staff members, when performing their duties. This includes RAs, Campus Security, Facilities Staff, Professional Staff and more. A resident has the right to request employees for ID verification.
For most college students, sharing a residence hall room is a new experience. Your new roommate may be an old high school friend, distant cousin, friend of a friend, somebody’s sister or brother, or a total stranger. Residence Life does not expect roommates to be “best friends,” but to be able to live together in a respectful environment. Room Transfers are not granted in the first two weeks of each semester and are viewed as a last resort, not a first alternative.
If one student infringes upon the rights of another, we expect the two students to work together in an atmosphere of mutual respect to resolve their differences. If you are experiencing trouble with another resident that you cannot resolve, follow the process outlined below. If you need assistance, contact your RA.
- If you are experiencing a roommate or neighbor issue, you should first approach them about the problem. However, if you feel uncomfortable addressing your problem/concerns with your roommate or neighbor, feel free to ask your RA for assistance.
- If talking to your roommate or neighbor does not bring about a solution, then the next step is to get your RA involved. RAs (Resident Assistants) are trained in mediation and will meet with both parties separately and then together as a group. The RA can set up a roommate contract or neighbor contract, which can help alleviate the issue(s).
- If mediation with your RA does not help the situation, a meeting will be set up with a member of our professional staff. A professional staff member will meet with both parties and the RA to mediate solutions for the problem(s) between the parties. If resolutions to the problem(s) cannot be met, the professional staff member may grant a room transfer. Please see more on the room transfer process below.
Room Transfer Procedures
Room transfers are offered to facilitate the development of mutual friendships, similar academic interests, relocation to a more desired area, and to mediate roommate conflicts. Room transfers are not to be used as an escape from dealing with conflict or unreasonable behavior. Students wishing to transfer rooms should submit a Transfer Request Form in the Housing portal. The Transfer Request Form must be approved, in advance of the move.
After a request is submitted, Residence Life professional staff will work together to approve or deny a request. If the transfer is denied, the student will be informed by email. If the transfer is approved, the student will be informed by email and the resident will have 48 hours (about 2 days) to move into their new room and complete their new Check-In Inspection, after they pick up their key. As soon as they have completed their move, they will contact an RA who will check them out of their old room by completing a Check-Out Inspection Form and collecting their old room key.
Modifications and Alterations to Living Space
No alterations or modifications are to be made to either the interior or exterior surfaces of the rooms, doors, hallways, or building without the prior written approval of a Residence LIfe professional staff member. Unacceptable alterations or modifications include securing mirrors on the closet or bathroom doors, permanently mounting shelves to the wall, installing additional locks, chains, or latches to their unit or bathroom doors or replacement locks on the doors, screwing items into the walls, doors, or furniture, etc. This is not an exhaustive list and approval is required for any questionable alterations or modifications.
No self-adhesive stickers (bumper stickers, etc.) may be placed on the walls, doors, or furniture. Thumbtacks, poster putty, 3M Command strips, or small nails (7/8” long or smaller) may be used to hang posters and pictures; however, use of double-sided sticky foam tape is prohibited. Curtains may be hung if the holes do not exceed the above standards. No obscene or inappropriate items, signs, or posters may be hung on the windows. No material or pieces of material may cover windows. Painting on windows is also prohibited. Tampering with communal doors is also prohibited.
If you have any questions, contact Residence Life staff before applying any decorations to the unit walls. Residence Life has the authority to remove any offensive, inappropriate, or unauthorized items displayed on student doors, walls, or windows. Residents will be held accountable for damages not documented on the Check-In Inspection form.
Noise/Quiet Hours
To facilitate an environment conducive to academic growth, Jaguar Village has a 24-hour courtesy policy. Any behavior or noise that may be disturbing to another resident at any time should be reported to a member of the Residence Life staff, for us to intervene. In addition, Quiet Hours will be in effect for the following times.
- 10 p.m.-8 a.m. Sunday through Thursday
- Midnight-9 a.m. Friday and Saturday
Quiet Hours apply to all areas of the Jaguar Village property, including parking lots, breezeways, hallways, shared areas, individual units, and more. The 11:59 Lounge does not have quiet hours, but residents still need to be respectful of others. Any resident or resident’s guest(s) found violating Quiet Hours will be asked to immediately conform to them and repeat offences may result in disciplinary action. In addition, the use of amplified musical instruments within the residence halls, unless being used with headphones, is prohibited.
If a neighbor is noisy, first approach them and ask them to please hold down the noise. If this does not work, call the front desk or on-call phone for your building, and inform the Resident Assistant on duty about the situation so they are able to intervene.
If needed, Residence Life reserves the right to adjust Quiet Hour privileges at any time.
All residents wishing to park a vehicle at Jaguar Village must display a valid UHV hanging parking permit and register their vehicles with UHV Student Billing. To do this, complete the Vehicle Registration Form at the Student Billing Office in University West, Room 117. Residents can register one vehicle only, and a parking permit may not be used for more than one vehicle. Only one vehicle may be parked at campus housing.
Vehicles without a valid hanging permit will be subject to parking fines or towed at the vehicle owner’s expense. Vehicles illegally parked in fire zones, reserved spaces, or unauthorized locations (any place that will mar the landscaping of Jaguar Village, create a hazard, or interfere with the use of university facilities) can and will be towed at any time. Lack of space is not considered a valid excuse for violation of the University’s parking regulations.
UHV is not responsible for loss or damage to vehicles operated or parked in Jaguar Village or on the UHV campus. UHV is not responsible for loss or damage to any vehicle towed from Jaguar Village or UHV campus.
Paw Pass
The Paw Pass is a multifunctional identification card issued by UHV and it serves as the official identification for students at UHV. The Paw Pass card offers a range of convenient features and benefits, enhancing the overall campus experience. It provides access to numerous services on campus, including:
- 24-hour residential access for residents to all residence halls
- Dining privileges for students with a meal plan
- Jag Bucks
- Library access and services
- Campus-wide printing services
- Daily Deals for local Victoria-area discounts
- Entrance and discounts (if applicable) to select university events, including athletic events
*Only the issued cardholder is authorized to their Paw Pass under any circumstances. The Paw Pass belongs to UHV and if misused it can be withdrawn by the University at any given moment.
Pet Policy
Only pets required for the assistance of an individual with a disability, or an approved Emotional Support Animal (ESA) are allowed at Jaguar Village. ESA animals must be approved through Disability Services. Guests are not allowed to bring their pets into the premises at any time. Pets include mammals, reptiles, etc. Residents found responsible for breaking the Pet Policy could be fined a $25 daily rate for the pet or the pet’s items being on campus.
*Residents are allowed to have one pet fish in a one-gallon tank in their room.
Prohibited Items
According to your Housing Agreement and state/university fire safety codes, you should not have any of the following items in your housing unit.
- Barbeque Grills/Coals/Lighting Fluid/Gasoline Cans
- Candles (with or without wick) or incense; not even for decoration
- Candle warmers and wax melts
- Dangerous/combustible substances and chemicals
- Electrical balance/hover boards/scooters/skateboards/string lights
- Excessive amounts of paper or flammable material
- Extension cords; use power strips with surge protectors instead (extension cords may not be placed wrapped around metal fixtures or furniture, run under carpet, or taped to the carpet)
- Halogen Lamps
- Heaters/ Heating Pads/Electric Blankets
- Microwaves – (Jaguar Suites and Smith Hall contain microwaves in the shared kitchen area. If needed, you have the options to order/rent a MicroChill combo)
- Paper, fish nets, parachutes, flags, tapestries, or other combustible items may not be hung from, attached to the room ceiling, or cover the ceiling or fire detector. Covering the ceiling or fire detector with these or other such items constitutes a fire hazard.
- Refrigerators exceeding 4.0 cubic feet
- Toaster/Toaster Ovens/Crock Pots/Electric Skillets/Electric Grills/Hotplates or Cooktops
- Any other items that may be considered a fire hazard, i.e., potpourri pots, multi-plug adapters, air fresheners with attached plugs as an extra outlet, rice cookers, etc.
This list is not all-inclusive; any item that poses health and safety risks to the community, poses a risk of damaging University property and/or negatively impacts building function and operations are prohibited. If any prohibited items are found, including drugs and alcohol, they will be subject to confiscation.
Please note that tampering with or altering smoke detectors and having any of the prohibited items listed above will result in a $25 fine. Additionally, residents can be fined individually for not adhering to fire safety regulations. Penalties can include termination of a Housing Agreement, and other disciplinary action, and fines up to $2,000 according to State law.
Smoking and vaping are not permitted in the residential halls including individual units, any indoor shared areas, or breezeways at any time. There are designated smoking areas at Jaguar Village where you may smoke. Those designated areas are located behind Jaguar Hall and the outdoor seating area behind Jaguar Suites. Please dispose of cigarette butts in the appropriate cigarette receptacles.
We ask that residents remove trash and garbage from their rooms daily. Both Smith Hall and Jaguar Hall provide dumpsters to place your trash. Jaguar Suites also provides trash rooms on each floor. Trash left outside of any resident’s room door will be picked up and the residents of that room will be charged $25 per bag of trash. Multiple violations will result in disciplinary actions.
Important Campus Phone Numbers
Campus Security – (361) 570-HELP (4357)
Career Development Center – (361) 570-4385
Counseling Center – (361) 570-4135
Financial Aid – (361) 570-4125
Student Billing – (361) 570-4833
Student Life – (361) 485-4410
Student Records – (361) 570-4368
Switchboard Operator – (361) 570-4848
Title IX – (361) 570-4835
UHV Help Desk – (361) 570-4399