Academic Master Plan
Modernize the academic structure, replacing the schools with colleges and creating a uniform structure across schools. Reconsider the current schools when creating the colleges. Enhance the administrative structure of the Academic Affairs unit to better oversee both undergraduate and graduate education.
Academic Quality and Student Achievement
The main recommendation in terms of academic direction is to build experiential learning opportunities and service learning into all programs throughout the university.
Each undergraduate student will be assigned a success coach, and academic advisor, and a faculty mentor upon enrollment, and this team will take them through to graduation.

Program Development
Program development will consider student needs, regional job market realities, and the importance of “soft skills” and digital literacy in preparing students. All modes of instruction will be expanded, but more attention will be given to creating face-to-face programs and courses at the main campus in Victoria. Development of new programs will be undertaken strategically and aligned with university goals.
New programs will:
- Align with student needs and strategic recruiting
- Be based upon community and regional needs
- Offer students reasonable career options
- Provide students with the “soft skills” (written and oral communication, critical thinking, etc.) needed in the future globalized economy
- Grow the face-to-face operation in Victoria
- Receive adequate resources for start-up, development, and growth
- Provide flexibility that allows students to change majors or switch tracks to encourage retention and timely completion of a degree
- Consider the professional opinion and expertise of existing UHV faculty members.