Behavioral Assessment Team (BAT)
The University of Houston-Victoria (UHV) is committed to providing a learning environment that not only promotes the safety and well-being of its students, but an environment conducive for students to develop to their fullest potential. To this end, the university has established the Behavioral Assessment Team (BAT) in order to provide a proactive, multidisciplinary, and collaborative approach to assessing and responding to students who exhibit threatening, concerning, and/or disruptive behaviors. The purpose of the BAT is to provide a vehicle for communication among university divisions/departments regarding student conduct and mental health in order to serve as the institutional gathering point for information related to students who exhibit threatening, concerning, and/or disruptive behaviors.
To Report an Incident
If you believe there is immediate danger to person or property immediately call the University of Houston Police Department (UHPD) at 361-570-HELP (4357) or call 911. If the danger is not immediate you may use the Incident Report form.

Complete an Incident Report Form
Submitting an Incident Report Form will initiate an assessment of the behavior of concern. The assessment process is designed to get the individual the assistance they need to succeed and to protect the university community as a whole.
About Us
On any given day at the University of Houston-Victoria, community members may become aware of behavior that is deviant, threatening, concerning or disruptive. The University of Houston-Victoria Administration created the Behavioral Assessment Team (BAT) to proactively intervene and monitor any disruption to community life. The BAT is designed to assist faculty, staff, students and the administration by providing information and assistance in dealing with behaviors or concerns that disrupts the educational mission of the university. The goals of the BAT are multifaceted and include:
- Assess situations involving students who pose a potential risk of harm to themselves, others or property in the University community or are of substantial disruption to University activities in accordance with policies stated in the Student Code of Conduct.
- Consult with administration, faculty, staff and other students affected by the inappropriate or concerning behaviors of students.
- Coordinate the University’s response to violent, threatening, or significantly disruptive students.
- Develop a specific strategy to manage the threatening, concerning or disruptive behavior with regard to the safety and rights of the student and others and to minimize any disruption to the University community.
- Recommend to appropriate University officials, actions consistent with University policy and procedure statements, as well as state and federal laws.
- Inform referral sources concerning next steps taken with students, given the confidential nature of the information and what is permissible under policy and law.
- Educate and train the community on the identification of potentially threatening, concerning or disruptive behaviors and options to assist students who exhibit them.
- Establish a process that is designed to be helpful to students, particularly when the rights of others or an individual’s own growth and development are being endangered.
Assessment Process
BAT will use a designed process to proactively intervene in behavioral situations that threaten members of the UHV community or that threatens the educational mission of the institution. The BAT will use a process identified in the literature as a threat assessment approach to assess behaviors that raises concerns of possible violence or harm. The assessment process is designed to identify inappropriate behavior and intervene early enough to manage the case before the individual commits an act of violence or harm. This model focuses on the facts of the particular occurrence and the student’s behavior to guide suppositions and conclusions. This method focuses on the student's behavior by collecting information that verifies the student's progress from ideation, planning and preparation, to implementation of the plan. In short, the process is based on preventing violence and developing effective interventions, not trying to predict it. The process is designed to:
- Identify persons of concern.
- Thoroughly investigate and gather information concerning the identified individual.
- Review and evaluate the information and situation.
If deemed appropriate, develop a management plan that gets the individual needed help and acts to reduce the threat.

Team Members
- The Behavior Assessment Team reports to the Vice President for Student Affairs
- The BAT Chair is appointed by the Vice President for Student Affairs and core members include:
- Sr. Director of Residence Life & Judicial Affairs
- Associate Provost of Student Success
- Counselor/Case Manager
- Director of Student Life
- Director of Student Services
- Manager of Disability Services
- Safety Officer/Peace Officer
- Title IX Coordinator
- General Counsel Ex Officio
- Other University officials may be asked to serve on the team as needed. They include but are not limited to:
- Director of Athletic
- Director of Emergency Services
- Director of Human Resources or designee
- International Programs Director
- Sr. Director of Facilities Services
- University Registrar or designee
- Victim Advocate