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If you are a NEW student, activate your account.

Sign in to Student Email.

Your User Name will be your UHV 7-digit student Example:

Student Email Sign In

Once signed in be sure to choose the correct time zone.

How to get student email on your phone/mobile device

Use the Outlook App (Apple Store | Google Play) to easily connect your student email to your device.

  1. Email address = 7-digit student ID number, followed by (Example:
  2. Password = your UHV password

Secure Messages

In an effort to reduce malicious messages reaching your university email account, UHS Security and UHV IT have implemented a new secure messages service.  As a UHV email user you will see the following new tools and features.

  1. Report Phish button 
    • If you have a suspicious email, pressing the Report Phish button will send the email to be reviewed by UHS IT Security. You will receive a response from UHS IT Security after it has been reviewed.
    • The button is available in both the web and software versions of Outlook. 
      • Currently not available for mobile or smart device versions of Outlook. 
  2. URL Rewrite 
    • When you hover over links, you will see a different URL from the intended original link. 
    • This will allow web links to be reviewed for malicious content, in a protected and secure area, prior to your browser actually opening the website.  This will help reduce malicious content from getting onto your device(s). 
  3. Quarantine Digest 
    • Depending upon reputation rules and policies, messages that contain a virus, spam, or inappropriate content can either be deleted or “scored.”  In the case of spam, the message score indicates the probability that the message is spam – so a message scoring 100 would have 100% chance of being spam (definite spam) and a message scoring 0 would have 0% chance of being spam (legitimate correspondence). Messages scoring high enough to probably be spam are quarantined, and messages scoring below 50 are sent directly to your inbox. 
    • If email messages addressed to you were sent to the Quarantine, you will receive an email notification, called an End User Digest (or Digest), in your mailbox. The Digest provides you with a list of the messages addressed to you that are stored in the Quarantine. You can look at the message subject headers to determine their content and decide what actions you want to apply to the messages.  
    • Messages are stored for 14 days in Quarantine after which they are deleted.
    • To review all current quarantined emails, select the Manage My Account link in the email or select the link in the email to Request New User Digest.