University Policies Governing Student Life
Posting of Notices
The University permits the posting and distribution of information and campus activities on opportunity boards and silver poster bars, and in student lounges and newsletters that are of general interest to the students.
All notices posted on the UHV opportunity boards must be approved and date-stamped by Student Life located in University Commons , Suite 2202, or Marketing & Communications located in University Center, Suite 305. Unstamped notices and inappropriately placed notices will be removed by Student Life or Marketing & Communications personnel. Materials cannot be posted in areas such as glass doors to buildings, hall walls, bathrooms and inside classrooms unless prior consent is given by Marketing & Communications. Notices posted on the silver poster bars must be 11"x17" in dimension, vertically aligned and must also be approved by Marketing and Communications. Notices that are obscene, libelous, or advocate the deliberate violation of a federal or state law or published university policy will not be posted or distributed.
Furthermore, all postings, including those at UHV Katy, must follow Policy D-8: Posting of Materials.
Any posting that is more than one month old will be taken down unless prior arrangements are made with Student Life or Marketing & Communications.