M.Ed. in Special Education
- All applicants must meet the general requirements for entrance to graduate study. Other programs will require additional prerequisites and application materials.
- Submit two letters of reference from practicing educators, such as from supervisors or other professional school personnel.
- Provide a statement of purpose, discussing your reason for pursuing your chosen degree and your expectations of the program.
Degree Plan
9 semester hours
- CUIN 6321 Principles of Curriculum Development or
CUIN 6322 Principles of Curriculum Organization or
CUIN 6332 Education in a Diverse Society - FEDU 6321 Foundations of Educational Research
- FEDU 6331 Human Growth and Development
Major Concentration
15 semester hours:
- SPED 6321 Intro to Special Education
- SPED 6325 Applied Behavior Analysis
- SPED 6326 Programming & Collaboration
- SPED 6327 Appraisal, Instructional Coaching and Collaboration for Students with Disabilities
- SPED 6332 Principles of Behavior for the Educator
Additional Requirements:
6 hours
- SPED 6331 Behavioral Adjustment of Exceptional Children and Youth
- SPED 6334 Diagnostic Teaching, Assistive Technology and Instructional Strategies
Total: 30 semester hours
Other Requirements:
Master Comprehensive Exam to be taken within six hours of completing the program.
Course Rotations
- SPED 6305: Educational Diagnostician Practicum
- SPED 6325 Applied Behavior Analysis
- SPED 6327 Appraisal, Instructional Coaching and Collaboration for Students with Disabilities
- SPED 6331 Behavioral Assessment and Adjustment of Exceptional Children and Youth
- SPED 6332 Principles of Behavior for the Educator
- SPED 6337 Teaching Strategies for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- SPED 6341 Applications of Single Case Research Design in School and Clinic
- SPED 6345: Intellectual Assessment
- CUIN 6322 Principles of Curriculum Organization
- CUIN 6332 Education in a Diverse Society
- CUIN 6321 Principles of Curriculum Development
- FEDU 6331 Human Growth and Development
- FEDU 6321 Foundations of Education Research
- SPED 6305: Educational Diagnostician Practicum
- SPED 6321 Introduction to Special Education
- SPED 6326 Programming and Collaboration
- SPED 6331 Behavioral Adjustment of Exceptional Children and Youth
- SPED 6338 Behavior Intervention Procedures for Educators
- SPED 6339 Communication Strategies for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- SPED 6341 Applications of Single Case Research Design in School and Clinic
- SPED 6344: Educational Assessment of Students with Disabilities
- SPED 6346 Supervision and the Behavior Change Program
- CUIN 6322 Principles of Curriculum Organization
- CUIN 6332 Education in a Diverse Society
- FEDU 6331 Human Growth and Development
- CUIN 6321 Principles of Curriculum Development
- FEDU 6321 Foundations of Education Research
- SPED 6321 Introduction to Special Education
- SPED 6333 Experimental Analysis of Behavior for the Educator
- SPED 6334 Diagnostic Teaching, Assistive Technology and Instructional Strategies
- SPED 6335 Ethical and Professional Conduct for the Applied Behavior Analyst
- SPED 6336 Behavior Applications: Focus on Autism and Developmental Disabilities
- SPED 6340 Philosophical and Historical Foundations of Behavior Analysis
- CUIN 6322 Principles of Curriculum Organization
- CUIN 6332 Education in a Diverse Society
- FEDU 6331 Human Growth and Development