M.Ed. in Special Education, Dyslexia
- All applicants must meet the general requirements for entrance to graduate study. Other programs will require additional prerequisites and application materials. Returning for additional studies? See Readmission of Former Graduate Students
- Submit two letters of reference from practicing educators, such as from supervisors or other professional school personnel.
- Provide a statement of purpose, discussing your reason for pursuing your chosen degree and your expectations of the program.
Degree Plan
9 semester hours
- CUIN 6321 Principles of Curriculum Development
- FEDU 6321 Foundations of Educational Research
- FEDU 6331 Human Growth and Development
Major Concentration
18 semester hours:
- SPED 6321 Introduction to Special Education
- SPED 6325 Applied Behavior Analysis
- SPED 6326 Programming & Collaboration
- SPED 6327 Appraisal, Instructional Coaching and Collaboration for Students with Disabilities
- SPED 6331 Behavioral Assessment and Adjustment of Exceptional Children and Youth
- SPED 6334 Diagnostic Teaching, Assistive Technology and Instructional Strategies
Dyslexia Concentration:
9 semester hours
- LITY 6334 Foundations of Developmental Reading
- LITY 6331 Instruction for Students with Literacy Difficulties
- LITY 6362 Assessment of Multi-Literacies Learning
Total: 36 semester hours
Other Requirements:
Master Comprehensive Exam to be taken within six hours of completing the program.
Course Rotations
- SPED 6305: Educational Diagnostician Practicum
- SPED 6325 Applied Behavior Analysis
- SPED 6327 Appraisal, Instructional Coaching and Collaboration for Students with Disabilities
- SPED 6331 Behavioral Assessment and Adjustment of Exceptional Children and Youth
- SPED 6332 Principles of Behavior for the Educator
- SPED 6337 Teaching Strategies for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- SPED 6341 Applications of Single Case Research Design in School and Clinic
- SPED 6345: Intellectual Assessment
- CUIN 6322 Principles of Curriculum Organization
- CUIN 6332 Education in a Diverse Society
- CUIN 6321 Principles of Curriculum Development
- FEDU 6331 Human Growth and Development
- FEDU 6321 Foundations of Education Research
- SPED 6305: Educational Diagnostician Practicum
- SPED 6321 Introduction to Special Education
- SPED 6326 Programming and Collaboration
- SPED 6331 Behavioral Adjustment of Exceptional Children and Youth
- SPED 6338 Behavior Intervention Procedures for Educators
- SPED 6339 Communication Strategies for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- SPED 6341 Applications of Single Case Research Design in School and Clinic
- SPED 6344: Educational Assessment of Students with Disabilities
- SPED 6346 Supervision and the Behavior Change Program
- CUIN 6322 Principles of Curriculum Organization
- CUIN 6332 Education in a Diverse Society
- FEDU 6331 Human Growth and Development
- CUIN 6321 Principles of Curriculum Development
- FEDU 6321 Foundations of Education Research
- SPED 6321 Introduction to Special Education
- SPED 6333 Experimental Analysis of Behavior for the Educator
- SPED 6334 Diagnostic Teaching, Assistive Technology and Instructional Strategies
- SPED 6335 Ethical and Professional Conduct for the Applied Behavior Analyst
- SPED 6336 Behavior Applications: Focus on Autism and Developmental Disabilities
- SPED 6340 Philosophical and Historical Foundations of Behavior Analysis
- CUIN 6322 Principles of Curriculum Organization
- CUIN 6332 Education in a Diverse Society
- FEDU 6331 Human Growth and Development