Spanish Program
History not only teaches us about the past, it helps us more fully understand the present and work toward the future. It cultivates critical thinking and analytical writing, skills which are not only valuable to future employers but necessary for becoming an informed and active citizen of the world.
Apply TodayDegree Plan Options | Bachelor of Arts in Spanish |
Credit Hours | 120 Credit Hours |
Delivery Methods | Victoria (traditional semesters) Online traditional |
Tuition & Fees | Rates Per Semester |
Spanish Influence
The University of Houston-Victoria is in a privileged region of the United States with a high concentration of native Spanish speakers. Many of our students are bilingual or have grown up with a strong Spanish influence in their lives. Our Spanish Program, supported by these favorable conditions, provides effective training for first time Spanish language students, as well as perfecting the skills of the bilingual learner.
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We offer access to a cultured, cosmopolitan and professional knowledge of Spanish. At the same time, we extend an understanding of the language, the literatures, and the cultures of Spanish America and Spain and their relations with the complex and ever-changing Latin American region.
Our intention is to open multiple doors of knowledge, setting aside localisms, limitations and prejudices that have biased the understanding of the Spanish language and its literature. We cultivate our students with the finest traditions of Ibero-American cinema, theater, the avant-garde arts, and academia.

Kandace Henke
Academic Advisor BAAS, History, Spanish Majors

Abilities and Skills
We demonstrate the language, the cultures, and literatures that intertwine European influences, indigenous and African contributions, Asian immigrations, and the strong influence of powers such as the United States and Brazil. Similarly, we will address the growing cultural and literary production of the Hispanic communities in the United States.
We are guided by the intention to form highly competitive students for the labor market; avid intellectually, and willing to respect the diversity found on their journey in the U.S. as well as throughout the world.
Our aim for this program is to provide the abilities and skills necessary for a better life, a notable professional career and job, and at the same time encourage rationality, sensitivity, and the imagination of the new generations.
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Propósitos de la Licenciatura en Español
La Universidad de Houston-Victoria se encuentra en una zona privilegiada de los Estados Unidos con una alta concentración de hablantes nativos del español. Muchos de nuestros estudiantes son bilingües o han crecido en un entorno de fuerte influencia hispana. Nuestro Programa de Español se apoya en esas favorables condiciones para proporcionar una efectiva formación a quienes estudian español por primera vez, así como para perfeccionar las habilidades de quienes ya son bilingües. Brindamos el acceso al aprendizaje de un español culto, cosmopolita y profesional. A la vez, ofrecemos una comprensión de la lengua, la literatura y la cultura de Hispanoamérica y España en su ineludible relación con América Latina, una región compleja, siempre tensa y en cambio.
Pretendemos abrir múltiples puertas de conocimiento dejando a un lado localismos, limitaciones y prejuicios que han sesgado la comprensión del español y su literatura. Nos nutrimos de la mejor tradición del cine, el teatro, las vanguardias artísticas y la academia de Iberoamérica. Mostramos una lengua, culturas y literaturas en que se entrecruzan las influencias europeas, la contribución indígena, el aporte africano, la inmigración asiática y la fuerte gravitación de potencias como Estados Unidos y Brasil. Asimismo, abordamos la creciente producción cultural y literaria de las comunidades hispanas de los Estados Unidos. Nos guía el ánimo de formar estudiantes altamente competitivos para el mercado laboral, intelectualmente ávidos y dispuestos a la relación con la diversidad tanto en sus viajes en los Estados Unidos como por el mundo. Pretendemos que este programa provea de habilidades para acceder a una mejor calidad de vida, una notable carrera profesional, y a la vez estimule la racionalidad, la sensibilidad y el imaginario de las nuevas generaciones.

Faculty Testimonial
"The best thing about teaching at UHV is how engaged students are in learning history. We always have great conversations in class and have a lot of fun learning about these topics together."
- Esther Cuenca
Assistant Professor, History