Additional Research
Librettos & Performances:
“The Hour of Waking Windows”, libretto. Musical composition by Jeff Parola, Spring 2012.
“Lovesick Wanderer: O Dervish of the Restless Heart”, libretto. Musical composition by David Brown, sung by Caitlin Beam, performed in concert at Boston Court in Pasadena, CA as part of “The New & Newer” program, Spring 2012.
“Aviary”, libretto comprised of “Blue Heron,”, “Before Solomon’s Court”, & “Mirror Lake in Carlsbad Caverns Quivers Like A Scrying Glass Speaking”. Musical composition by Sarah Rimkus, sung by Shabnam Kalbasi, performed in concert at USC’s Annenberg Hall, Spring 2012.
“Chand Raat: Eid ul Fitr”, libretto. Set to musical composition by Melanie Churchill, Australia, 2010.
Selected Conference Presentations & Readings:
Chapbook Launch Party for “Of the Divining and the Dead”. Reading. – Los Angeles, June 13, 2012.
The Poetics Research Bureau Benefit Reading for PCRF – Glendale, CA, March 29, 2009.
The Loudest Voice Reading Series – The Mountain Bar, Los Angeles, CA, November 13, 2008. Featured Reader.
Poetry & Translation – University of Stirling, Scotland, July 15-19, 2008.
Paper Presentation: “The Lines Between the Hidden & The Manifest: Navigating the Language of the Beloved in Sufi Subculture & Mystic Poetry” + Poetry Reading: from “The Book of Deeds”.
SoundEye West: Poetry Between Languages – Los Angeles, CA, October 5-6, 2007.
Paper presentation on the function of interlinguality in some Sufi poetry, the structural problem of translating it, the use of structural translation in writing between cultures, and the influence of such translation work on my own poetic writing process. + Poetry Reading: from “The Book of Deeds”.
The Loudest Voice Reading Series – The Mountain Bar, Los Angeles, September 20, 2006. Featured Reader.
British Society for Literature & Science: Founding Conference – University of Glasgow, Scotland, March 24-26, 2006.
Paper Presentation: “Synthetic Form & Deviant Transcendence: Interfaces between 21st Century Poetics, Science & Print Technology”.
2005 AWP Annual Conference – Vancouver, BC, April 1-5, 2005.
Cross-Genre Roundtable Discussion: “The Ghost in the Machine: Inorganic Forms & Deviant Transcendence”. Panel Moderator. Presentation on: hypermediacy, contemporary formal structures, & changing conceptions of poetic form.
2nd Annual University of Hawaii International Conference of the Humanities – Honolulu, HI, January 8, 2004.
Paper Presentation as Panelist, “Writing the Language of Estrangement”. + Poetry Reading: from “heliophobia”.