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Justin Bell, Ph.D.

Chair, Multidisciplinary Studies
Professor of Philosophy


Phone: (361) 570-4312

Email: Justin Bell


Justin Bell’s areas of specialization are American philosophy and ethics. Dr. Bell teaches introductory philosophy courses in the core curriculum, ethics, and period-specific humanities courses. Additionally, he directs the UHV Honors Program and is the Editor-in-Chief of Southwest Philosophical Studies.

Dr. Bell was the 2017-2018 recipient of the University of Houston – Victoria Teaching Excellence Award.


Selected Recent Publications:

“Disability, Pragmatism, and Misplaced Expectations: A Deweyan Criticism of Reliance Norms,” (With Sarah Woolwine) in The Palgrave Handbook of Philosophy and Public Policy, edited by David Boonin (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018). (Forthcoming)

“Solidarity, Imagination, and Richard Rorty’s Unfulfilled Democratic Possibilities: A Deweyan Reconstruction” in Richard Rorty and Beyond, edited by Randall Auxier and Krzysztof Piotr Skowronski. (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, TBD). (Forthcoming)

“Depression as an Adaptation and Moral Imagination: Putting Deweyan Tools for Moral Inquiry to Work,” in Southwest Philosophical Review 34.1 (January 2018).

“The Mythology of Post-Racial America: On the Shadowy Color Line in the Twenty First Century” (with Beverly Tomek) in Race in America – How a Pseudo-Scientific Concept Shaped Human Interaction volume 2, edited by Patricia Reid-Merritt (Santa Barbara: Praeger, 2017), 483-502.

“Comfort, Mediation, and Imagination: A Commentary on John Lachs’s ‘The Cost of Comfort,’” in Southwest Philosophy Review 32:1 (January 2016): pp. 13-18.

“Care Ethics and Pragmatism: Care as Pragmatic Meliorism,” in APA Newsletter on Philosophy and Medicine 14.2 (2015): 22-26.