Born 4 September 1968. Interested in poetry: ideas about it, history of it, practices, languages, everything.
Director of Creative Writing
Associate Professor of English and Creative Writing
Phone: (361) 570-4307
Born 4 September 1968. Interested in poetry: ideas about it, history of it, practices, languages, everything.
PhD, Univ. of Chicago
MA, Columbia Univ.
MFA, Univ. of AZ
BA, Penn State
I Am Your Slave Now Do What I Say (Canarium, 2012); Try Never (Canarium, 2017); There Was an Old Man with a Springbok (Prelude, 2019); Whatever's Forbidden the Wise (Canarium, 2022).
Poems published in:
Best American Poetry, Boston Review, FENCE, Georgia Review, Harvard Review, Lana Turner, Poetry.
American Book Review, FENCE, Harriet, Il Libro (UK), Paris Review, Philadelphia Review of Books, Poetry, The Point.