Article VII. Student Organization Representatives
Section 1. Personnel
- Student Organization Representatives.
- There must be at least one (1) representative from each active student organization appointed by the President of that specific organization.
Section 2. Membership
- Each Student Organization Representative (SOR) must be enrolled as a student at UHV (in good academic standing, of high moral character, and in compliance with all university policies and procedures) at the time of their appointment and must remain enrolled, at least half time, throughout their term of office, excluding summer sessions.
Section 3. Purpose, Authority, Powers, and Responsibilities
- Student Organization Representatives shall represent the interests of their specific organization, and shall be free to chair or serve on any committee as directed by SGA.
- Student Organization Representatives are required to attend four (4) total meetings per year (two per semester).
- Due to limited meeting attendance requirements, any SOR shall only provide insight to SGA and shall have no voting power.
Section 4. Resignation or Removal
- Any Student Organization Representative who wishes to resign must signify such in writing to the President of the Student Government Association, specifying the date the resignation will become effective.
- Any SOR may be removed from their position for nonfeasance or malfeasance by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the entire Student Government Association.
- Any SOR who is removed from or resigns from their position prior to the fulfillment of their term shall be replaced by means of appointment through the President of that specific organization.
- Any SOR who resigns from their position willingly may be replaced in their position in writing via email from their respective student organization president to the SGA President, and if approved, will be appointed as the new SOR.
- If any SOR fails to attend two (2) meetings per semester or four (4) per year, that individual may be removed by a majority vote of the Executive Board, and that organization may lose funding from the Student Organization Funding Committee.
Section 5. Student Organizations Funding Committee
- Funds are available from the Student Government Association, derived from student services fees, to assist student organizations in hosting a variety of personal and professional development programs. These funds are processed through the Student Organizations Funding Committee (SOFC). SOFC requests must be submitted on JagSync a minimum of two (2) weeks ahead of the event or activity requesting funds for.
- The SOFC membership changes yearly. It will be composed of a chair, the Chief Financial Officer, and a minimum of one (1) other student member as appointed by the SGA President. A minimum of one (1) of the SOFC members will be a professional staff member from the Division of Student Affairs.
- Qualifications for Funding
- Only student organizations recognized, and in good standing with the Department of Student Life will be considered for funding. Offices or departments that are not recognized as a student organization are not eligible. The SOFC will receive a list of student organizations from the Director of Student Life.
- Organizations must have been established for a minimum of six (6) weeks to be eligible for funding consideration. Organizations that are not yet chartered (e.g., interest groups) can be approved for funding under the special circumstances that they have been active as an interest group for at least six (6) weeks.
- Each chartered organization can receive up to $500 for each academic year (September-August). Each interest group can receive up to half of the amount ($250) received by chartered organizations.
- Organizations and interest groups receiving funds from student services fee costs centers will not be eligible for funding from the SOFC.
- All organizations are required to appoint at least one (1) student as a Student Organization Representative (SOR); that member or a designated substitute must attend two (2) SGA meetings per semester.
- All organization SOR’s are required to attend the first mandatory Student Organization Training hosted by Student Life.
- The University of Houston-Victoria Student Government Association Executive Board reserves the right to make an executive decision regarding student organization funding under extreme circumstances as to be decided by the chair and verified by the Advisor(s).