Article IV. Judicial Branch
Section 1. Membership and Qualifications
- The judicial powers of the Student Government Association shall be vested in the Judicial Branch. The Judicial Branch shall be composed of the elected and appointed student representative(s).
- The Judicial Branch will consist of five (5) members: One (1) Chief Justice and four (4) Associate Justices.
- Associate Justices shall be appointed annually by the elected Officers and confirmed by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Legislative and Judicial Branches.
- All Justices must have an elevated knowledge of parliamentary procedures and Robert’s Rules of Order.
- All Justices must have completed at least one (1) full semester at the University of Houston-Victoria at the time of election or appointment, with the exception of freshman, transfer, or graduate students.
- No Associate Justice may hold their seat on the assembly concurrently with a position in the Executive Board or ex officio representative seat, unless holding the role of Senator, in which a student may also hold an Associate Justice position congruently with.
- Only undergraduate students are eligible to hold the position of Associate Justice.
- All Justices shall be members of the student body and shall be in good academic and disciplinary standing at the time of election or appointment, and must remain in such status while serving in their position, as enumerated in the bylaws.
- All Associate Justices must maintain a GPA of 2.5.
- If any Associate Justice falls below a 2.5 GPA, that individual must write a letter of intent to serve to the Chief Justice briefly outlining an academic plan of action. The letter should explain their reasons for desiring to continue serving as an Associate Justice and why they should be considered to remain in their role. The SGA Chief Justice will then make a recommendation to the President on how to proceed.
- If any Associate Justice falls below a 2.0 GPA, they will no longer be eligible to write a letter of intent.
Section 2. Authority, Powers, and Responsibilities of the Judicial Branch
- Associate Justices
- Associate Justices must abide by, uphold, and support the Student Government Association Constitution, and other governing documents; support the university community and its mission; represent their respective constituencies, and where applicable the student body to the university and local community; accept reports from the SGA Administration, internal committees, and members of the university community.
- The Judicial Branch shall interpret the Constitution and shall have the power to enforce the Constitution and bylaws of the Student Government Association.
- The Judicial Branch shall be responsible for the structure and examination of the Student Government Association.
- The Judicial Branch shall be responsible for the compilation of monthly reports detailing the endeavors, proceedings, and ordinances adopted by the Student Government Association.
Section 3. Resignation or Removal
- Any Justice who wishes to resign must signify such in writing to the Chief Justice, specifying the date the resignation will become effective.
- The sitting Chief Justice will have the responsibility for issuing a warning or initiating a removal from position in a report form of listed undesired actions or behaviors from the elected or appointed member.
- Any Justice may be removed from their position for nonfeasance or malfeasance by a two-thirds (2/3) vote by the entire Student Government Association.
- Any Justice who is removed from or resigns from their position prior to the fulfillment of their term shall be replaced by means of appointment through the process of an application, opened specifically for the purpose of appointing a replacement(s) for vacant position(s) for the duration of the term.
- If any Student Government Association Justice fails to attend two (2) consecutive meetings or three (3) total meetings for the elected year, that Justice may be removed by a majority vote at the first meeting after the second meeting missed or third total meeting missed.