Article XI. Operations and Procedures
Section 1. Attendance
- All SGA Members shall be strongly encouraged to attend and/or required to participate in a majority of SGA activities, functions, and operations.
- All SGA Members will be required to attend official meetings sponsored or cosponsored by the Student Government Association, at the request of the Student Body President, SGA Executive Board, and/or a vote of the Senate as they are applicable.
- All SGA Members are required to hold a minimum of twenty (20) hours in the SGA office per semester. Each branch head has the authority to increase the required number of office hours.
- All SGA Members must submit an availability form at the start of each semester or if their availability changes at any time.
- An absentee form must be submitted in advance for any missed meeting or office hour. In the event of an unforeseen emergency, a form must be submitted within forty-eight (48) hours of the missed event.
- The number of absentee forms allowed to be submitted shall be decided by the Chief Justice and approved by a majority vote of the elected Officers of the Executive Board.
Section 2. Rules of Order
- Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the SGA in all cases in which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws, with university policy, or with any special rules of order the SGA may adopt.
Section 3. Referendums
- A petition containing the signatures of no less than five (5) percent of the total student body shall initiate referendums. The said petition shall be submitted through the presiding President of SGA to a representative from Student Affairs, and verified at least two (2) weeks before the regular or special election. The called referendum shall be placed on the next regular or special election ballot. Passage of the called referendum shall be by simple majority. Implementation of the approved referendum shall occur as specified in the referendum.
Section 4. Agendas
- Reports for meeting agendas of the Student Government Association must be submitted a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours in advance to the Speaker of the Senate. Any changes are at the discretion of the Speaker of the Senate. Agendas shall be created and prepared by the Speaker of the Senate and shall be sent to all SGA members a minimum of four (4) hours ahead of a meeting.
Section 5. Minutes
- Minutes of the SGA meetings shall be created and prepared by the Chief Financial officer and posted on JagSync and distributed to all SGA members within one (1) week following a meeting.
Section 6. General Body Meetings
- General body meetings are open to all students of the University of Houston-Victoria community. No official business may be conducted in a closed-door session.
- The SGA reserves the right to exclude university administrators, faculty, or staff members and those unaffiliated with UHV in their deliberations of both open and closed-door meetings.
Section 7. Installation Meeting
- An installation meeting shall be held for the purpose of installing the newly elected SGA within two (2) weeks following the regular election or at the end of year Student Organization and Leadership Banquet. At this meeting, the outgoing Chief Justice of SGA shall administer the following oath to the newly elected SGA members:
I, (name), do solemnly affirm that I will faithfully execute the duties and responsibilities entrusted to me by virtue of my position as a member of the University of Houston-ÂVictoria SGA, and will to the best of my ability abide by and enforce the constitution of this organization.
Section 8. Special Meetings
- Special meetings may be called by the President of the SGA upon the request of the administration, or at least two (2) members of the SGA. Notice of special meetings shall be given to each member of the SGA at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the meeting.
Section 9. Quorum
- A quorum is required for the SGA to conduct business. A quorum shall consist of a simple majority of the elected and appointed members of SGA.
Section 10. Voting
- All voting on main motions during SGA meetings must be recorded in the minutes as roll call votes. No secret ballots on official business shall be allowed.
- Voting may be held remotely using a digital platform, as mutually agreed upon by the Executive Board.
- Only elected and appointed members of the SGA shall have the privilege of voting on matters brought before the SGA. The Advisor(s) and all representatives shall be allowed a voice in SGA matters, but not allowed to vote.
Section 11. Executive Board Meetings
- The Executive Branch of the SGA shall have a consistent meeting day and time as mutually agreed upon by the Officers of the Executive Board. These meetings will occur on a biweekly basis while classes are in session during the long semester.
- Executive Board meetings are to be closed-door sessions unless otherwise stated in advance. Non-Executive Board members may attend these meetings only if permission is granted to them in writing in advance, or if they are specifically invited by the Officers. Non-Executive Board members who desire to attend these closed-door sessions must request permission in writing to the Vice President no less than five (5) full business days prior to the meeting. This written request must contain detailed reasons that explain the requesters desire to attend. The Vice President, with approval of the President, will notify the requester of the outcome of their request no less than twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the meeting.