Facilities and Grounds Usage
SECTION: Index H: Facilities
SUBJECT: H-01 Facilities And Grounds Usage
Facilities and grounds owned or controlled by the University are to be used for the purpose of supporting the University's role and mission of teaching, research, and public service for the benefit of faculty, staff, and students. University facilities are not available for unrestricted use. However, facilities and grounds may be used by internal or external individuals, groups, or organizations if the use does not interfere with the purposes for which the facilities and grounds were intended and does not conflict with University rules or local, state, and federal laws. The University has absolute preemptive priority over individuals or groups and reserves the right to deny, cancel, postpone or alter reservations and arrangements for any event when necessary. Approval to use facilities does not imply approval of the aims and purposes of the sponsoring organization nor the event being planned.
Education & General (E&G) – Net assignable area used for academic instruction, research, and support of the institution’s mission. It does not include auxiliary enterprise space or space which is permanently unassigned. E&G space is supported primarily from state appropriated funds.
General Purpose Classroom: A classroom used for academic instruction that is not totally within the designation of an academic department. Generally, all classrooms are considered E&G space unless they are part of an auxiliary enterprise operation.
Grounds: All acreage not covered by buildings including plazas, parks, parking lots, roadways, and any other outside space.
Lessee: Any individual or group, whether internal or external to the System or one of its components, or whether sponsored or not sponsored (in the case of external individuals or groups), who reserves and uses any university facility or space for a purpose other than that for which it is provided.
Normal Work Hours: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. through 5:00 p.m.
Sponsor: Any organized faculty or staff body (i.e., Faculty Council, Staff Council, etc.) and/or student organization and/or academic or administrative committee consisting substantially of persons conducting official university business.
- JC - Jaguar Court
- JH - Jaguar Hall
- JS – Jaguar Suites
- SH – Smith Hall
- UC - University Center
- UW - University West
- UN - University North
- US - University South
- UCom - University Commons
- NWC – Northwest
All potential lessee/users of the Multi-Purpose Room must submit a reservation request and set up form prior to receiving consideration for reservations.
- External reservations must complete a Facilities and Grounds Reservation Form which can be accessed online
- Internal reservations must submit a reservation request online via the University Calendar
- Both external and internal reservations are required to submit a Room Setup Form
Multimedia equipment will be set up, maintained, and scheduled through the Technology Services Department by completing the Room Set-up form:
Wi-Fi is available for external users by completing an External User Account Application.
In accordance with Board of Regents’ Policy No. 09.02.2, any use of the name of the University, other than to indicate the location of the event, must be approved in advance by the Office of the President and the appropriate University of Houston System official. Similarly, use of the University’s seal, logos, photos or any other identifying mark must be approved in advance by the Office of the President and the appropriate University of Houston System official. Even if permission is granted, the University’s name must not be used in ways that suggests or imply the endorsement of any organization, their products, or their services. The use of the University’s name, seal, and photographs in the advertising and other promotional material and activities of outside organizations is prohibited, particularly when such use is likely to be understood as an endorsement, even if such an endorsement is not the intention of the person or organization seeking to use UHV’s name. Permission to use the University’s name when granted shall include the understanding that the permission does not involve, either expressly or by implication, any endorsement or sponsorship by the University; in appropriate circumstances permission may be made conditional upon a retirement of an express statement that the University does not endorse or sponsor the particular activity.
University facilities are essentially classified as Educational and General (E&G) and are supported primarily by state appropriated funds. All other space falls within the grounds category.
E&G space may be used for non-E&G purposes. Under certain conditions such use shall be subject to charges that at a minimum ensure recovery of that part of the operating cost of the facility attributable directly to or indirectly to that use.
Persons or organizations associated with the UH System, a component university or The Victoria College may request the use of space on a first-come, first-served basis at no rental charge.
Persons or organizations not associated with the UH System or one of its components may use E&G space on a first-come, first-served basis, and this use shall be subject to rental fees. Rental fees may be waived if the event is sponsored.
The UH System and its components have absolute preemptive priority over all non-System persons or groups. The UH System and its components reserve the right to cancel, postpone, or alter arrangements for any event.
Political organizations or groups may use UHV facilities in the same manner as other non-UHV groups, subject to applicable use fees. UHV may not use any money under its control, including appropriated money, to finance or otherwise support the candidacy of a person for an office in the legislative, executive, or judicial branch of state government or of the government of the United States. A state officer or employee may not use official authority or influence or permit the use of a program administered by the state agency of which the person is an officer or employee to interfere with or affect the result of an election or nomination of a candidate or to achieve any other political purpose.
When facilities or grounds are requested for use of religious services, the use, if approved, should be intended primarily for the benefit of students and/or university employees.
Persons or organizations wishing to use UH- Victoria facilities for purposes other than those for which the space is provided must submit a written request to the appropriate reservation office or unit with oversight authority over the space.
Any use of university nomenclature or graphic elements by an external party other than to indicate the location of the event must be approved by the Office of University Advancement.
Events may be sponsored only by a university administrative, academic, or student unit, not an individual. Sponsorship includes being actively involved in the event, ensuring compliance with university policy and procedures, monitoring the event’s progress and taking overall responsibility for the event’s success or failure. Sponsoring organizations include the following:
- Schools or departments of the University
- Organized faculty or staff bodies (e.g., Faculty Council, Staff Council, etc.)
- Officially recognized student organizations
- Academic and/or administrative committees consisting substantially of persons conducting official university business
- Rental fees may be waived if the event is directly sponsored by the University.
Commercial catering services may be used in facilities where food service is permitted including the University Center, University West, University North, University South, University Commons, and University Northwest facilities. Off-campus providers must show proof of insurance and provide a temporary alcohol license if serving alcohol.
Individuals and groups are prohibited from bringing in food and beverages to be served at events without prior approval.
Only Coca-Cola products may be sold or given away in conjunction with events held on campus. The UH System has an exclusive contract with the Coca-Cola Bottling Company to supply cold beverages (defined as all forms of non-alcoholic liquids intended for human consumption and all beverage bases from which these can be prepared. This does not include (1) milk, (2) flavored milk, (3) fresh brewed coffee and tea (whether served hot or cold), (4) fresh brewed hot chocolate, (5) soups, (6) fresh squeezed juices, (7) unflavored tap, faucet or fountain water drawn directly from the public water supply, and (8) non-alcoholic beer. However, it is allowable for non-Coca Cola Products to be purchased off-campus by individuals and brought onto campus for personal consumption and not for distribution on Campus.
It is also permissible for non-Coca Cola beverages to be served at privately catered events not open to the public, provided that the University does not sponsor and University Concessionaires do not cater the event and the beverages are served at no charge to event attendees.
All members of the university community and guests are required to comply with federal, state, and local laws regarding the possession, consumption, and distribution of alcoholic beverages. Possession, consumption or distribution of alcoholic beverages on campus is subject to disciplinary action outlined in Alcoholic Beverage Use on Campus, UHV Policy A-41 which can be viewed at www.uhv.edu. The appropriate form must be completed by the person sponsoring the event. Alcohol Use Form
Under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the University is obligated to ensure that its programs, practices, policies, and procedures do not discriminate against individuals with disabilities. Persons, organizations, or sponsors wishing to use university facilities must comply with all ADA standards as a condition for such use.
Exceptions to policy or procedures regarding the scheduling, usage, or the rental rate charged must be authorized by the President or Vice President with signature approval on the Facilities Use Reservation Form and/or by written correspondence referencing the event.
- The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs will have final authority in the resolution of academic space usage conflicts.
- The Vice President for Administration and Finance will have final authority in the resolution of multi-purpose room, grounds, and other non-academic space use issues.
The University must comply with Federal guidelines for Unrelated Business Income Tax (UBIT) when renting facilities to a non-university renter. Facilities Services will be responsible for invoicing and collecting deposits and final payments for rental charges.
Approved by:
Signature Obtained 11/15/2021
Robert K. Glenn, Ph.D.
Next Review Date: November 2026 (5 years)
Origination: Facilities Services
If there are any comments and/or questions regarding this policy, please contact the Director of Facilities Services.