Core Curriculum
10 - Communication – 6 semester hours
- ENGL 1301
- ENGL 1302
20 - Mathematics – 3 semester hours
- MATH 1314 - College Math or Higher
30 - Life and Physical Science – 6 semester hours
- Life & Physical Science (corresponding lab recommended)
- Life & Physical Science
* 7 semester hours of life & physical is recommended in core. Taking the corresponding lab is encouraged with core 30 classes. Although not required to complete core, labs are necessary to fulfill BS major degree requirements. All science coursework is recommended to be intended for science majors for the BS Computer Information Science program.
40 - Language, Philosophy & Culture – 3 semester hours
- ENGL 2332, ENGL 2333, HUMA 1301, PHIL 1301, PHIL 1303
50 - Creative Arts – 3 semester hours
- ARTS 1310, COMM 1335, MUSI 1306, or DRAM 2366
60 - American History – 6 semester hours
- HIST 1301, HIST 1302, HIST 2325, HIST 2381
70 - Political Science – 6 semester hours
- PSCI 2305
- PSCI 2306
80 - Social/Behavioral Sciences – 3 semester hours
- ANTH 2346, CRIJ 1301, ECON 2301, ECON 2302, GEOG 1300, PSYC 2301, TECA 1318;
90 - Institutionally Designated Option – 6 semester hours
- SPCH 1315, 1321
- COSC 1301 or COSC 1336 & 1136
Computer Information System Major Requirements
BS Program Requirements – 8 semester hours
- ENGL 3430 – Professional Writing
- Life & Physical Science w/ Lab – 11 total s.h. Life & Physical Science (2 labs)
*11 hours of science must include 2 labs; core 30 science may be applied toward the 11 hours of science needed to satisfy BS Program Requirements.
General Requirements – Lower Division – 11 semester hours
- COSC 1336/1136 – Programming Fundamentals I
- COSC 1337/1137 – Programming Fundamentals II
- MATH 1324 – Finite Math (CORE)
General Requirements (Upper Division) – 15 semester hours
- COSC 3317 – Object Oriented Programming and Design
- COSC 3331 – Data Structures and Algorithms I
- COSC 3333 – Data Structures and Algorithms II
- COSC 4339 – Telecommunications and Networks
- MATH 3362 – Discrete Structures
36 semester hours
- COSC 3315 – Application Design Using GUI and Database
- COSC 3325 – Information Systems in Organizations
- COSC 4321 – IT Project Management
- COSC 4320 – Software Engineering
- COSC 4336 – Database Systems
- COSC 4337 – Operating Systems
- COSC 4350 – Information Security, Privacy and Ethics
- MGMT 3303 – Principles of Management
- MKTG 3303 – Principles of Marketing
- MATH 3391 – Probability and Statistics
*Students may choose 6 s.h. UD COSC, excluding COSC 4305.
LD/UD Free Electives and/or Minor - 9 semester hours
s.h. = semester hours
LD = Lower Division (Community College-Level: Freshman, 1000-level /Sophomore, 2000-level)
UD = Upper Division (University-Level: Junior, 3000-level /Senior, 4000-level)
The student is responsible for fulfilling all requirements on this degree plan and is encouraged to review the catalog that governs this degree plan.
Substitutions in this degree plan must be approved by following the same procedures as for the degree.
This document is an unofficial guide to your degree. Please contact an advisor for an official degree plan.
Must meet minimum requirements: 120 s.h. overall, 36 s.h. UD, of which 30 s.h. must be completed at UHV.