CIS Course Rotation
Fall Courses
- COSC 3315 Application Design Using GUIs
- COSC 3317 Object Oriented Programming
- COSC 3318 Python Programming
- COSC 3325 Information Systems in Organizations
- COSC 3331 Data Structures and Algorithms I
- COSC 4320 Software Engineering
- COSC 4336 Database Systems
- COSC 4337 Operating Systems
- COSC 4339 Telecommunication & Networks
- COSC 4350 Information Security, Privacy and Ethics
- COSC 3334 Introduction to Cyber Security (Odd only)
- COSC 4344 Internet Security Essentials (Even only)
- COSC 4345 Basic Data Visualization (Even only)
- MATH 3362 Discrete Structures
- MATH 3391 Probability and Statistics
- COSC Elective
Spring Courses
- COSC 3315 Application Design Using GUIs
- COSC 3317 Object Oriented Programming
- COSC 3325 Information Systems in Organizations
- COSC 3331 Data Structures and Algorithms I
- COSC 3333 Data Structures and Algorithms II
- COSC 4321 IT Project Management
- COSC 4350 Information Security, Privacy and Ethics
- COSC 4343 Fundamentals of Cryptography (Odd only)
- COSC 4346 Data Analytics (Odd only)
- COSC 4342 Digital Forensics (Even only)
- COSC Elective
Summer Courses
- COSC 3317 Object Oriented Programming
- COSC 3325 Information Systems in Organizations
- COSC 3333 Data Structures and Algorithms II
- MATH 3362 Discrete Structures
- COSC Elective
- COSC Elective
My favorite thing about UHV is the smaller class size, it allows for better interaction with professors.
Bryan Strum
Current Student, 2022 Political Science