Course Rotation
Recommended Schedule for the Forensic Psychology Master's Program (both PC and PA Concentrations), based on a full-time course load: O=online, F=face-to-face
Year One-Fall
PSYC 6321 Psychopathology I (O)
PSYC 6333 Ethics and Practice of Psychology (O)
PSYC 6334 Theories and Issues in Psychotherapy (O)
PSYC 6336 Intellectual Assessment (F)
Year One-Spring
PSYC 6332 Advanced Social Psychology (O)
PSYC 6335 Techniques of Psychotherapy (F)
PSYC 6337 Personality Assessment (F)
PSYC 6343 Professional Practices in Forensic Psychology (O)
***STUDENTS SELECT PC or PA Concentration at end of Year One Spring Semester***
PC Concentrations
Year One-Summer: (12 units)
PSYC 6327 Forensic Assessment (F)
PSYC 6331 Multicultural Psychotherapy (O)
PSYC 6338 Group Psychotherapy (F)
PSYC 6319 Vocational & Career Counseling (O)
Year Two-Fall: (12 units)
PSYC 6304 First Forensic Practicum
PSYC 6326 Advanced Research Methods (O)
PSYC 6330 Life-span Developmental Psych (O)
PSYC 6339 Theories and Techniques of Family Therapy (O)
Year Two-Spring: (9 units)
PSYC 6304 Second Forensic Practicum
PSYC 6322 Psychopathology II (O)
PSYC 6350 Addictions Counseling (O)
Year Two-Summer: (9 units)
PSYC 6304 Third Forensic Practicum
PSYC 63XX Forensic Treatment Planning & Intervention (O)
PSYC 6351 Crisis Intervention (O)
PA Concentration
Year One-Summer: (12 units)
PSYC 6327 Forensic Assessment (F)
PSYC 6331 Multicultural (O)
PSYC 6338 Group Psychotherapy (F)
PSYC 6304 First Forensic Practicum
Year Two-Fall: (12 units)
PSYC 6315 Advanced Learning (O)
PSYC 6326 Advanced Research (O)
PSYC 6330 Life-Span Developmental (O)
PSYC 6339 Theories and Techniques of Family Therapy (O)
Year Two-Spring: (9 or 12 units)
PSYC 6304 Second Forensic Practicum
PSYC 6341 Behavior Management (O)
PSYC 6328 Biological Psychology (O)
PSYC 6350 Addictions Counseling (Opt. A)
***Students should plan to take their Comprehensive Examination this semester***
Year Two-Summer: (6 or 9 units)
PSYC 6304 Third Forensic Practicum
PSYC 63XX Forensic Treatment Planning & Intervention (O)
PSYC 6351 Crisis Intervention (Opt. B) (O)
Current Student Testimonial
"My favorite thing about UHV is the smaller class size, it allows for better interaction with professors."
- Bryan Sturm
Current Student, 2022 Political Science