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William Harkey

William Harkey



Phone: (361) 570-4209

Email: William Harkey


William Scott Harkey has been an educator for over eleven years, beginning as a high school English teacher in 2005, an adjunct English instructor in 2009, and now as a lecturer of English for the University of Houston-Victoria. William received both his BA and MA from UHV and began working for the university in 2004 as a writing consultant. Between 2004 and 2014, he also worked for UHV as an associate editor for symplokē, a research assistant, and a writing coordinator for the Student Success Center.

William teaches Introduction to College Writing, Freshman Composition I, Professional Writing, The Bible as History and Literature, Classical Greece and Rome, and Medieval and Renaissance Civilization.

William serves as the president of the UHV Rosebud Film Society and as a faculty advisor for the History and Humanities Association.

William has published works in cultural and literary criticism, short fiction, and poetry. His primary interests lie in the fields of philosophy, psychoanalysis, sociology, and theology, with emphasis on how these disciplines contribute to our understanding of culture, identity, and our attitudes toward mortality. 


MA in IDS (concentration in English), University of Houston-Victoria
BA in English, University of Houston-Victoria 


“Alleviating Existential Despair: The Journey from Divinity to Mortality in Byron’s

‘Manfred.’” BlazeVOX. (Spring 2014). Web. 15 May 2014.

“Elevator: An Exposition on Identity in Present Tense.” Ishaan. (5). Web. July 2014.

“The Poetic Work of Mourning: Tennyson’s In Memoriam as the Freudian

Trauerarbeit.” Literary Yard. Web. January 2015.

“Wednesday.” Ishaan. (5). Web. July 2014. 

“What am I to History?” Ishaan. (5). Web. July 2014. 

Additional Research

Rev. of Death and Dying in the Working Class, 1865-1920, by Michael K.

            Rosenow. WorkingUSA: The Journal of Labor and Society

            Summer. 2016. Print

Rev. of Leon Trotsky and the Organizational Principles of the Revolutionary

            Party, by Dianne Feeley, Paul Le Blank, and Thomas Twiss.

            WorkingUSA: The Journal of Labor and Society.  Forthcoming

Rev. of The Brooklyn Thrill-Kill Gang and the Great Comic Book Scare of

            the 1950s, by Mariah Adin. Pennsylvania History: A Journal of

            Mid-Atlantic Studies.  Summer. 2016. Print