Dr. Sandy S. Venneman, Associate Professor of Psychology, joined UHV in 1999. She received a dual appointment in biology in 2001 and was selected as the ENRON Teaching Excellence Award winner for 2002-2003 and 2006-2007 and the Faculty Service Award for 2005-2006.
She received her Ph.D., as well as an M.S. (R) in Experimental Psychology from St. Louis University. She completed a post-doctoral fellowship at the Neuropsychiatric Institute at UCLA. She holds a Missouri Lifetime Teaching Certificate and taught biology and chemistry at the secondary level.
She was named an outstanding teacher for the state before advancing to supervise teaching assistants at St. Louis University. There, in addition to supervising, she taught a mixture of physiological psychology, learning, methodology, statistics and chemistry for 11 years.
Her EEG research in anesthetics won a Sigma Xi award, and her work in stress and dermatology won her both a fellowship award from St. Louis University and a grant from the National Alopecia Areata Foundation.
Her research interests and publications continue to address questions at the interface of psychology and medicine and in the area of sports psychology. She regularly acts as a guest speaker and presenter at seminars in the areas of psychopharmacology, applied learning theory and equestrian sports psychology.