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Rebecca Heron

Rebecca Heron

Assistant Professor


Phone: (361) 570-4201

Email: Rebecca Heron


Ph.D. Forensic Psychology, University of Nottingham


Heron, R.L., Eisma, M.C. & Browne, K. Barriers and Facilitators of Disclosing Domestic Violence to the UK Health Service. J Fam Viol (2021).

Heron, RL, Eisma, MC. (2021). Barriers and facilitators of disclosing domestic violence to the healthcare service: A systematic review of qualitative research. Health Soc Care Community. 1– 19.

Heron, R.L., Schwiekert, L. & Karsten, J. Meeting a person with pedophilia: Attitudes towards pedophilia among psychology students: A pilot study. Curr Psychol (2021).

Mckeown A, Clarbour J, Heron R, Thomson ND. Attachment, Coping, and Suicidal Behavior in Male Prisoners. Criminal Justice and Behavior. 2017;44(4):566-588. doi:10.1177/0093854816683742