Exchange Partnership Students
If you are a student from an exchange partnership program with UHV, you should complete the application steps below. In order to guarantee admissions to the program all students must complete the process no later than the date listed below.
Fall semester: June 1st Spring semester: November 1st
- Complete the ApplyTexas application. Application fee is waived for exchange students, disregard the application fee portal.
- In the application, create a new 4-year university undergraduate application or create a new graduate admissions application"
- Select the target university as the “University of Houston-Victoria”
- Select application type as International Freshman, International Transfer or International Graduate
- Select a semester (Fall or Spring)
- Review programs and courses at Course Description Website
- Select your college according to your program, College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences/College of Natural & Applied Science, School of Business or College of Education and Health Professions.
- Once you select your college/Department select your "major" as "Transient/Visiting Student". By selecting this, UHV is able to assist you to register for the courses that you desire without pre-requisites.
- For the time select any academic program, as the International Programs is able to manually change the program once the student sends an email regarding the academic major.
- Application fee of $25 is waived. Please by pass this portal by selecting "pay by money order or check"
- Upon submission of your application, please wait for 24-48 hours until you receive an email with your UHV ID. Once you receive the UHV ID please submit the remaining items along with your UHV ID. Remember to include "Exchange student" in all of your emails and documents.
- Please note students will continue to receive incomplete emails which are automatically sent to all students who are not admitted in to the program. Please disregard these emails.
- After submitting the application submit the following documents:
- Copy of your demographics page of your passport
- J-1 agreement form (this form will be emailed to you, once you submit #1 and the complete application.
- Official or unofficial transcript from the current institution you are attending. If you are submitting an unofficial transcript, we need for you to bring the official transcript along with you when you are arriving to the U.S.
- In order to issue the immigration document the university requires a proof of funding for $7000 per semester. The cost changes every year. Please visit the website every July for updated cost. If proof of funding is NOT YET available a letter from the university official is suffice with your application indicating that funds will be available. All we need is a document indicating that you/your family has funding to study in the U.S.
- If bringing dependents to the U.S., additional $3000 each per dependent in bank statement and a copy of dependents passport
- English Proficiency Requirement is waived for partner university exchange students.
- Check application status
Other Important Information Exchange Students must know
All new entering international and transfer international students are required to read all the necessary information listed below: