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College of Education & Health Professions

Mary Weatherly Lasater

Mary Weatherly Lasater


Phone: (361) 570-4280

Email Mary Weatherly Lasater

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  • Doctor of Education - Curriculum and Instruction, University of Houston-Victoria, 1993
  • Masters Degree – Curriculum and Instruction, Certification in Mental Retardation, University of Houston-Victoria, 1987
  • Bachelor of Fine Arts – Secondary Art Education, University of Texas, 1978

Published Research

Collaborative Research (2011) Student Disengagement: A National Concern from a Local Perspective.  (Carlson, P., Martinez, R. & Lasater, M.)  National Social Science Journal, 40, 1, 14-27.

Training Publications
Lasater, M.W., (2009) ©RtI and the Paraeducator’s Roles: Effective Teaming, NPR Publications, Port Chester, NY.
Lasater, M.W., (2006) ©The Highly Qualified Paraeducator: A Comprehensive eLearning Curriculum for All Education Paraprofessionals, (22 on-line modules). LRP Publications, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.
Lasater, M. W., Johnson, M., & Fitzgerald, M. (2006 ed.) ©ParaEducators: LifeLines in the Classroom (a series of six training modules for paraprofessional staff development). LRP Publications, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.
Lasater, M. W., Johnson, M., & Fitzgerald, M. (2006 ed.) ©Triplicity: Administrator’s Guide to Facilitating Partner Teacher/Paraeducator Partnership. LRP Publications, Palm Beach, Gardens, Florida.
Lasater, M. W., Johnson, M., & Fitzgerald, M. (2006 ed.) ©Melding: A Partner Teacher's Guide to Working with Paraeducators who Support Students with Special Needs. LRP Publications, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.
Lasater, M. W., Johnson, M., & Fitzgerald, M. (2006 ed.) ©Power Paraeducator: Testing and Portfolio Documentation Guide. LRP Publications, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.

National Presentations
Lasater, M.W. & Knickerbocker, T. (March, 2013). Inclusive Scheduling: A Student-Centered Approach.  ASCD 68th Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.
Lasater, M. W. & Knickerbocker, T. (November, 2012). Building Power Paraeducators. National CASE Conference, Scottsdale, AZ.
Lasater, M.W. (March, 2012).  To be or not to be intrusive in inclusive settings. 30th National Resource Center for Paraprofessionals (NRCP) Conference, San Antonio, TX.
Lasater, M. W. & Knickerbocker, T. (November, 2012). Inclusive Scheduling: A Student-Centered Approach.  National CASE Conference, Scottsdale, AZ.

State/Regional Presentations
Lasater, M. W. (February, 2012). Power Teaming: Strategies to Enhance Teacher-Paraeducator Partnerships. 2012 Inclusion Works! Conference, Austin, TX.
Lasater, M. W. (December, 2011). Tools for Building Positive Behavior Supports in Inclusive Classrooms. Inclusion Matters Conference, Lafayette, LA.
Lasater, M. W. (July, 2011). Paraeducator Support: How Intrusive are you?  Wyoming Paraeducator Consortium 2011, Casper, WY.
Lasater, M. W. (July, 2011). RTI and the Paraeducator’s Roles: Do Your Hats Fit? Wyoming Paraeducator Consortium 2011, Casper, WY. (Keynote)